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HollywoodPeel-PRPFace treatment

Advanced PRP treatment in Hyderabad.

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Call: +91 9642659757, 04040136113.

PRP Hollywood – How does it work?

Blood is mainly a liquid (called plasma), but it also contains small solid components such as: red cells, white cells and platelets. Platelets are the major clotting tool in your blood but they are also rich in proteins called growth factors – and those are vital in the process of healing traumas and injuries. We can also say that PRP is plasma with a much increased number of platelets than what is typically found in blood. Most importantly, such a concentration of platelets (and thus – the concentration of growth factors) can be 5 to 10 times greater than usually found in circulating blood and has a huge healing potential when injected precisely into the injured body part.

Book an Appointment:

If you are looking for HollywoodPeel-PRPFace treatment, Consult Our Doctor by calling +91 9642659757 or by filling the Appointment form.

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