What is coolsculpting and benefits in fat loss?



CoolSculpting is a noninvasive, nonsurgical medical procedure that helps remove extra fat cells beneath the skin. As a noninvasive treatment, it has several benefits over traditional surgical fat removal procedures.

CoolSculpting is an approved body shaping procedure approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2012.

CoolSculpting is a safer, non-invasive type of fat reduction surgery than traditional procedures, such as liposuction.

Which are the target sites?

Body regions where Cool Sculpting is considered safe and effective for removing minor fat deposits as shown in the above pic

Benefits of CoolSculpting:


  • It is a low-risk procedure for most people.
  • The skin barrier is not broken or compromised, removing most of the risk of complications, such as infection and scarring.
  • There are few reported adverse reactions or outcomes.
  • There is no need to take time off from work or everyday activities afterward.
  • The results look natural, as they develop gradually in the weeks following the surgery.
  • It can help people who have lost weight or at a healthy weight but still have excess fat in particular areas.
  • There is less risk of regaining weight and results are long-lasting because fat cells are actually destroyed and removed from the body.
  • The risk of skin dimpling or bumps is low because fat cells are destroyed evenly across a patch of skin.


The procedure can help boost self-confidence, especially when combined with weight loss achieved through a healthful diet and exercise.

People who are interested in this form of treatment should discuss it first with their doctor

Technique / Procedure

How does it work?

CoolSculpting uses a procedure known as Cryolipolysis. It works by placing a roll of fat into two panels that cool the fat to a freezing temperature.

Frozen, dead fat cells are excreted out of the body through the liver within several weeks of treatment, revealing full results of fat loss within three months.

Who does Cool Sculpting work for?

CoolSculpting is not for everyone. It is not a treatment for obesity. Instead, the technique is appropriate for helping to remove small amounts of extra fat resistant to other weight-loss attempts such as diet and exercise.

CoolSculpting is a safe and effective treatment for reducing body fat in many people. But there are some people who should not try Cool Sculpting. Talk to your doctor for knowing your medical condition and fitness.

How long do results last?

Your Cool Sculpting results should last indefinitely. That’s because once Cool Sculpting kills off fat cells, they do not come back. But if you gain weight after your Cool Sculpting treatment, you may gain fat back in the treated area or areas.

Few and rare side effects of Cool Sculpting


  • tugging feeling at the treatment site when the doctor places the fat roll between the panels
  • sensations of pain, stinging or aching at the treatment site two weeks after treatment that tend to go away on their own without any additional treatment
  • short-term redness, swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivity at the treatment site


Is CoolSculpting worth it?

Coolsculpting is most effective with an experienced doctor, proper planning, and several sessions to maximize results and reduce the risk of side effects. Cool Sculpting has many benefits over traditional liposuction:

  • nonsurgical
  • noninvasive
  • requires no recovery time

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